B9lab Developer Training Capacity Building Service

Are you looking to revolutionize your developer training program and accelerate adoption of your technology? B9lab, a leader in blockchain and web3 education, is proud to introduce our new Large Training Program Service.

Service Overview: B9lab will work closely with your organization to establish or enhance your internal developer training capabilities. We'll leverage our extensive experience and proven methodologies to help you create a scalable, high-quality training program that can accommodate hundreds of participants simultaneously and produce thousands of graduates annually.

Why Choose B9lab? With a track record of training thousands of developers for industry leaders like Interchain, R3, and Consensys over the past nine years, B9lab has refined its approach to deliver exceptional results. Our expertise in methods, technology, and processes allows us to offer instructor-supported courses for large cohorts efficiently and effectively.

What We Offer:

  1. DevRel Team Training: We'll equip your developer relations team with the skills and knowledge needed to run successful training programs.
  2. Recruitment Assistance: If needed, we'll help you hire additional team members to support your training initiatives.
  3. Infrastructure Setup: We'll work with you to establish the necessary technical infrastructure for delivering high-quality online training.
  4. Cohort Support: Our team will accompany you through your first cohort, ensuring a smooth launch and optimal learning experience.
  5. Comprehensive Knowledge Transfer: We'll provide you with everything you need to elevate your training pipeline and maintain it long-term.

Who Should Consider This Service? This service is ideal for organizations that either:

  • Don't currently have a training program
  • Have limited on-site training capabilities
  • Or want to expand the scope of their existing program

Why Invest in Your Training Capacity? Throughout our years of experience in web3 developer adoption, we've consistently found that well-structured training programs outperform all other interventions. By building your internal training capacity, you're investing in a proven method to accelerate adoption and foster a skilled developer community around your technology.

Engagement Timeline: Our typical engagement lasts 12 weeks and includes:

  • Training and team configuration
  • Technical setup
  • Support for your first cohort

Take the next step in your adoption journey with B9lab. Let us help you build the internal capacity to train and nurture the next generation of developers in your ecosystem.

Ready to turbocharge your developer adoption? Contact us today to learn more about how our Developer Training Capacity Building Service can transform your organization's approach to developer education.

Let’s talk about what B9Lab can do for you

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